RANM is pleased to join forces with New Mexico’s Veterans Integration Centers (NMVIC) in our 2015 community outreach project.

RANM hopes to help NMVIC through two major activities:  1) Collecting monetary donations from REALTORS® to go toward NMVIC activities. and 2) Participation in NMVIC’s annual Stand Down Events.

Stand Down is a military term originating from times of war when exhausted combat troops were given the opportunity to return to a place of relative security to rest and recover. Stand Downs today have become common as a means to care for and advocate for homeless veterans.

Click here to make a donation today!

Looking to attend or volunteer at a Stand Down near you? Here’s a list of October Stand Downs in New Mexico. Suggested donation items for Stand Down events:  travel size toothpaste, toothbrushes, lotion, shampoo, shaving cream, razors; 2 liter water paks; back packs; clothes – underwear, socks, gloves, warm hats.

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