The New Mexico Association of REALTORS® is the voice for real estate in New Mexico. As the largest trade association in the Land of Enchantment, with 8,000+ REALTOR® members living and working in every legislative district. Advocating for homeownership, fair housing, and private property rights is at the forefront of the association’s mission.
The New Mexico Association of REALTORS® (NMAR) advocates for homeowners, the 8,000 NM REALTOR® members, and the real estate industry at the New Mexico State Legislature, New Mexico regulatory agencies, and the Executive Branch.
The National Association of REALTORS® (NAR) advocates to protect private property rights and the 1.5 million REALTOR® members at the United States Congress, federal agencies, and the Executive Branch.
The REALTORS® Political Action Committee (RPAC) mission is to identify candidates for elected office on the local, state and national levels, who will work with REALTORS® to promote and protect the American Dream of property ownership. Candidates who receive support from RPAC are not selected based on their political party or ideology, but solely on their support of real estate issues.
The Issues Advocacy Fund is used to assist Local Associations in conducting grassroots campaigns to support REALTOR® goals and industry friendly policies. Local Associations can request financial assistance to support or oppose ballot measures and local ordinances, or for other types of issue campaigns to influence public policy.
The REALTOR® Political Coordinator Programs (FPCs & SPCs) provide robust representation and advocacy at the national level with Congress, and the state level with the NM Legislature by pairing REALTORS® with our elected officials to communicate and advise on policies related the the real estate industry.