Become a Member
What is a REALTOR®?
The real estate industry encompasses a wide range of professionals including brokers, team leaders, salespeople, trainers, property managers, appraisers, and more. Most practitioners concentrate in either the residential or commercial side of the business, though some work in both areas. It’s important to remember that not all real estate professionals are REALTORS®, a trademarked term which specifically identifies someone as a member of the National Association of REALTORS® who pledges to abide by a strict Code of Ethics and Standards of Practice.
Who Is a Member of the New Mexico Association of REALTORS®?
Across the nation, REALTORS® belong to one or more of some 1,400+ local associations (also called Boards) and 54 state and territorial associations of REALTORS®. If you’re not a member, but you’d like to become one in the state of New Mexico, you must first join a local real estate association.
Ready to Join?
If you have your business outside the jurisdiction of any Member Board, and are a licensed individual in the state of New Mexico, you can join the New Mexico Association of REALTORS® directly at the state level. To learn more, contact our Membership Team at 505-982-2442 or 800-224-2282, or e-mail us.
Member Benefits
The New Mexico Association of REALTORS® is the business and public policy advocate for its members and the consumers they serve. If you are a REALTOR® in New Mexico, you are a member of the New Mexico Association of REALTORS® (NMAR). As an NMAR member, you have an opportunity to be involved in your association; to receive exclusive information, communications, and networking opportunities for your business; and access to all the benefits listed below.
Download the Member Benefits Flyer (PDF)
NMAR promulgated standard forms and contracts are one of NMAR’s most important products. Each year, NMAR’s Forms Committee revises existing NMAR Forms and creates new NMAR Forms in response to membership suggestions and concerns and to address changes in the law, regulations, and the industry. The NMAR Forms Committee is comprised of NMAR REALTOR® members who work closely with NMAR’s General Counsel. - ELECTRONIC SIGNATURE FOR DOCUMENTS VIA AUTHENTISIGN
Authentisign is a secure online document signing service that enables multiple parties to participate and sign documents electronically. Authentisign is offered through Instanet Solutions/ LoneWolf, and available with the Forms Library in your individual account. - LEGAL HOTLINE
The Legal Hotline provides direct toll-free access to a qualified real estate attorney who can provide information to REALTORS® to identify issues before they become problematic. If you are a NMAR REALTOR® Member, the Legal Hotline attorney can answer day-to-day legal questions that arise in your business.
Download the Legal Hotline Flyer (PDF) - PROFESSIONAL STANDARDS
The single most outstanding characteristic that sets REALTORS® apart from other real estate practitioners is their willingness to accept and abide by the Code of Ethics of the National Association of REALTORS®. The Code of Ethics ensures that consumers are served by requiring REALTORS® to cooperate with each other in furthering clients’ best interests. Click here to learn more. - OMBUDSMAN PROGRAM
The Ombudsman Program is the first step in conflict resolution. It is an informal, neutral, independent, and highly confidential way for NMAR members as well as their clients and customers to express their concerns and explore options to help resolve those concerns. An ombudsman is an individual appointed to assist parties in the resolution of disputes through constructive communication and who advocates for consensus and understanding.
Download the Ombudsman Program Brochure (PDF) - CONTINUING EDUCATION (CE)
All active Qualifying and Associate Brokers must successfully complete thirty-six (36) credit hours of continuing education in courses approved by the New Mexico Real Estate Commission during each three-year licensing cycle. NMAR provides opportunities to earn credits towards this requirement: REALTOR® Code of Ethics Training Legal Update(s) Conferences/Annual Meetings Leadership, Legislative, and Business Meetings (January) Fall Conference.
- Graduate REALTOR® Institute (GRI) Designation: The GRI designation is a powerful tool to attract and build new business. Earning a GRI can make a difference in your business and potentially boost your income. Download the GRI Designation Brochure (PDF)
- NMAR Growth & Involvement Program: This program is designed to build your volunteer skills while giving you insight into the REALTOR® organization at the local, state, and national levels. Click here to learn more.
The purpose of the Foundation is to foster educational opportunities for real estate professionals through grants to New Mexico institutions of higher learning. Grants may be used to offer additional courses in real estate and allied fields for the benefit of all students, and for the establishment of student scholarship funds. Special consideration shall be given to applicants for scholarships who are interested in pursuing careers in the real estate profession. If you are a REALTOR® in good standing with the New Mexico Association of REALTORS®, you are automatically a member of the Stanley H. Mathis Foundation.
NMAR advocates on behalf of its membership for policy initiatives that strengthen the ability of persons to own, buy and sell real property. NMAR is engaged at the national, state, and local government levels via:- REALTORS® Political Action Committee (RPAC & RPAC-NM) — dollars generated via voluntary member contributions are used for candidate contributions at the federal, state, and local level.
- NMAR Legislative Committee — committee meets throughout the year and during the NM Legislative session to review, initiate, support, and/or oppose legislation that impacts members.
- NMAR State Political Coordinator (SPC) Program — a mirror of NAR’s FPC program, SPCs are assigned to individual NM Legislators to build relationships and to promote NMAR’s legislative agenda.Download the NMAR Advocacy Guide (PDF)
- Issues Advocacy Fund — used by NMAR and available to Member Boards in conducting grassroots campaigns to support or oppose initiatives that will impact members.
- Legal Defense Fund — available to NMAR and Member Boards in the support or opposition of legal issues that impact members. Benevolent Fund — Provides assistance for the members of the New Mexico Association of REALTORS® family when they encounter financial hardships beyond their control.
Members play an all-important role in the governance and in selection the products, programs and services NMAR provides each year. Volunteers are recruited annually to serve on NMAR committees, task forces, and presidential advisory groups. NMAR is governed by a Board of Directors, made up of NMAR elected officers and representatives from each Member Board. The Board of Directors meets a minimum of two times each year and the Executive Committee carries on the business of the Board between Board meetings.
In addition to member benefits through your local and state boards/associations, you also have access to a wide array of resources designed to help you succeed in today’s market through the National Association of REALTORS®.
The term REALTOR® is a registered collective membership mark that identifies a real estate professional who is a member of the National Association of REALTORS® (NAR) and subscribes to its strict Code of Ethics.
- A REALTOR® is a member of local, state, and national associations of REALTORS®.
- A REALTOR® voluntarily subscribes to a strict Code of Ethics.
- A REALTOR® is informed about issues affecting real estate buyers, sellers, and renters, as well as those affecting real estate practitioners.
The New Mexico Association of REALTORS® was chartered in 1949 by NAR. NMAR is one of the largest and most respected trade associations in the state, representing over 7,000 members involved in all aspects of the residential and commercial real estate markets.
Member Boards are the foundation of organized real estate. There are a total of 16 local Member Boards in New Mexico. NMAR supports these boards in many ways and serves as the liaison between local boards and NAR. Membership in a Member Board automatically extends a real estate professional’s membership to the state association (NMAR) and national association (NAR).