Professional Standards

The single most outstanding characteristic that sets REALTORS® apart from other real estate practitioners is their willingness to accept and abide by the Code of Ethics of the National Association of REALTORS®. The Code, which was first adopted in 1913, is a living document, responsive in its contents to changes in law and industry.

Accepting this standard as their own, REALTORS® pledge to observe its spirit in all of their activities whether conducted personally, through associates or others, or via technological means, and to conduct their business in accordance with the tenants set forth.

Download an overview of the NMAR’s Professional Standards (Effective January 1, 2024)

Click here to find your local Professional Standards Administrator, or for assistance from the New Mexico Association of REALTORS® Professional Standards Administrator, email or call 505-724-3466.


The Ombudsman Program is the first step in conflict resolution. It is an informal, neutral, independent, and highly confidential way for NMAR members as well as their clients and customers to express their concerns and explore options to help resolve those concerns. An ombudsman is an individual appointed to assist parties in the resolution of disputes through constructive communication and advocating for consensus and understanding.

Download an Overview of NMAR’s Ombuds Services (Pamphlet-Jan 2021)

Click here to find your local Professional Standards Administrator, or for assistance from the New Mexico Association of REALTORS® Professional Standards Administrator, email or call 505-724-3466.


Mediation is offered to REALTORS® and to members of the public to facilitate the resolution of disputes related to real estate transactions and to interactions between parties and/or REALTOR® members in the course of their real estate relationship. A neutral and impartial third person assists the parties in discussing and clarifying the issues, and in considering alternatives to a possible resolution. Parties maintain the option to pursue other more formal processes if mediation does not result in a mutually satisfactory resolution agreement. In mandatory arbitration matters, NMAR requires REALTOR® Principals, their firms, and other parties to the arbitration to mediate the dispute prior to an arbitration hearing.

NAR: Appendix VI to Part Ten — Mediation as a Service of Member Boards
NMAR Mediation Instructions (pdf, 2020)
NMAR Request for Mediation (pdf, 2020)
NMAR Agreement to Mediate (pdf, 2020)

Click here to find your local Professional Standards Administrator, or for assistance from the New Mexico Association of REALTORS® Professional Standards Administrator, email or call 505-724-3466.


In the event of contractual disputes or specific non-contractual disputes as defined in Standard of Practice 17-4 between REALTORS® and between REALTORS® and their clients and customers, REALTORS® shall submit the dispute to arbitration in accordance with the policies of the Association rather than to litigate the matter. Please see the 2020 NAR Code of Ethics and Arbitration Manual: Part Ten, Arbitration of Disputes, Section 44.

To initiate an arbitration request, please review the instructions sheet and complete the appropriate arbitration form below:

Click here to find your local Professional Standards Administrator, or for assistance from the New Mexico Association of REALTORS® Professional Standards Administrator, email or call 505-724-3466.


The duties of REALTOR® membership require members to abide by the Code of Ethics of the National Association of REALTORS® and by the bylaws and policies of the Association. Anyone who alleges a violation of the Code of Ethics by a REALTOR® member may submit an Ethics Complaint to the Association. There is no fee to filing an Ethics Complaint. To submit a complaint, an Ethics Complaint form must be completed, citing the articles within the Code of Ethics that may have been violated and attaching a narrative description of the circumstances of the alleged violation.

Click here to find your local Professional Standards Administrator or for assistance from the New Mexico Association of REALTORS® Professional Standards Administrator, email or call 505-724-3466.

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