Now Hiring: CEO, New Mexico Association of REALTORS® (NMAR)
Imagine yourself as NMAR’s new CEO in magical Santa Fe, New Mexico, working with many enthusiastic members from throughout the beautiful Southwest in a state-of-the-art building. Does this sound like something you could thrive upon? Read on…
The successful candidate must be an experienced executive level REALTOR® association manager to be considered (6-10 years of executive management experience is strongly preferred). Demonstrated skills and experience to manage 5-10 employees and a $2-4 million dollar budget. A strong interest in legislative matters and skills in staff management and operations, planning, administration, and financial management are priorities. Working with volunteers and leadership development is important as are strong communication skills, including public speaking.
NMAR desires a CEO who is focused on the business success of its members, has initiative and enthusiasm, positivity, is adaptable and nimble especially given the many changes in the real estate industry, and builds teams through empowering leadership and staff. Attention to organization and detail is also a plus.
An undergraduate degree or equivalent education and experience is strongly preferred, and a post-graduate degree is a plus. An RCE is preferred, and a CAE would be an extra bonus.
A position description will be shared upon receiving an application. Salary and benefits are competitive for the area and will be shared with candidates.
Please send your cover letter and resume to MartinandDowns@gmail.com before February 12, 2024.